Friday, November 9, 2012

spoonflower + wallpaper and giftwrap!

Such exciting news from Spoonflower recently! First, they introduced wallpaper. I'm in the process of getting my entire library of designs open for wallpaper orders, so if you like any of the images you see below, pop over and make them yours!

Second, they're rolling out (har-har) wrapping paper in time for the holidays. I'm super excited about this, not least of all because it's automatic. You can head over to my Spoonflower shop RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE and buy yourself a roll of giftwrap in any of my designs.

Third, November 15 is free shipping day . . . worldwide. That's an amazing deal, and it only happens once or twice a year. Caveat: if you live outside the US, November 15 is calculated using Eastern Standard time (US) so you might want to see how that works out where you live; it could be the 14th or the 16th or something where you are . . . not sure how that pans out, exactly. But check for your area.

Now, on with the eye candy. When you click the "wallpaper" tab for each individual design, Spoonflower offers you a view of the paper on a wall behind some furniture, which is pretty handy for getting a sense of scale in your room (if not your own style of furniture).

1 comment:

  1. That is brilliant. What a great transition for them to make and add to their already fabulous customizable fabric. Wall paper and wrapping paper...another great way to express yourself.


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