Wednesday, May 22, 2013

where the wild things are growing at an incredible rate

The Halloween before my kiddo turned two, he and the mister dressed up like this for Halloween:

Max in his wolf suit and his Wild Thing papa, from Where the Wild Things Are were a big hit at the library's Halloween story time that year. And the little Max costume was so soft and comfy and fun to wear that my kiddo didn't want to stop wearing it. 

That was a year and a half ago. He was Max quite a bit in the months following Halloween . . . and then he got distracted, and wore it less and less frequently.

When I cleaned out his closet six months ago, coincidentally right around this most recent Halloween (we went as Muppets this year; he was Kermie), he excitedly pulled it out and wore it around the backyard like a hooded jacket because his legs wouldn't fit. 

And he kept growing, and the next time he tried to put it on, his arms wouldn't fit either, so he wore it like a hooded cape. And then I wised up and pulled out the leftover fabric and the old pattern (for shape reference) and a shirt one size up (to use as a size reference) and stitched up a hoodie he'll be able to wear for another year or so. Luckily, the tail is a pin-on, and so we just transferred it from the old Max suit to the new Max hoodie.

Because childhood is too short, and Halloweens are too far in between, and because . . . reasons.


And thanks for reading.

p.s. The original toddler-sized pattern has been removed from the Burda Style website; e-mail me or message in the comments below, and I can send you a PDF of my reworked, resized hoodie pattern (it's a 6-7 I'd estimate). If there's enough interest, I'll just post a tutorial.

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